Emergency 01492 877049
Out of hours 01492 877049
Craig Y Don Surgery 01492 877049
Llandudno Junction Surgery 01492 581920


How to order medication

Prescription only medication can be obtained from your Veterinary Surgery or you can ask for a written prescription and obtain those medicines from a suitable Pharmacy (including online). 
We can only issue prescriptions for animals that are under our care. If your pet has not been seen by one of our vets in the last six months, you will be required to have a consultation before prescriptions can be dispensed. 
Animals on long term chronic medications need to be re-examined at regular intervals, determined by the Vet (based upon type of medication and disease process) to ensure the medication is still suitable and to monitor any changes in your pet’s condition. 
A ‘consultation – prescription review’ charge is applied for these appointments of £49.00*. 
Owners can request repeat medicines online, by telephone, or in person but please allow 24 hours’ notice for these requests to be processed, there is a Written Prescription Fee of £24.50*.
If you are overdue a check-up, not registered with us or the item requested is not available, we will contact you by phone or email. 

*Prices correct as of May 2024.